My approach: Structural Astrology
My approach is based on a structural reference framework based on the Yi-King and the work of the philosopher Raymond Abellio. Developed by Christian Duchaussoy, Structural Astrology focuses specifically on the evolution of consciousness and how to cope with periods of change, taking into account the current reality of society. With the help of astrology and specific awareness work, we take a new look at your experience, that allows you to potentialise your resources, move beyond your current status quo and lead your life in more awareness.
My intention is to give you the information contained in your celestial map for you to get a clearer vision regarding this or that area of your life, and give you the keys to unlock what needs to be changed, freed or released, thus creating more energy and a greater confidence in personal resources and in the paths opening up to you.
By representing the cosmic cycles at the moment of birth, the birth chart gives a blueprint of the ways we unfold our embodied consciousness in a very momentary destiny. Our human lives are punctual manifestations of a cosmic consciousness existing outside time and space. We do not produce our consciousness, we embody it, we live it. This fragment of light is given to us at birth, and we have the possibility to make it grow or shrink. To make it evolve, we need to take advantage of specific moments that grant us access to fields of information that are broader than what we are used to, moments when we are confronted with the famous “information void” known in quantum physics. These moments are windows that astrology, through its knowledge of cycles, can help us determine.
And if your celestial map, as a reflection of the cosmic order at the time of your appearance, shows the essence of your present, it also hints to your past and future trajectories. Before entering the Earth plane, our being is clothed with various invisible cloaks: memories of the evolution of humanity, of past lives, and also ancestral memories, as if to densify and further the achievements of previous generations. It also focuses on a future, a progress of consciousness, as it is linked to the evolving cosmos. This fundamental emergence of the Diamond of Light we all carry within, is what is sometimes called the mysterious challenge of the Golden Flower, or more simply our life mission.